Plus Size Bra Review: ‘S Porcelanka’ by Ewa Michalak


Photo courtesy of Ewa Michalak

The S Porcelanka is available in various sizes, up to a 95JJ. Price is 149.00zł, which is about $49.50

I purchased the S Porcelanka in a 95JJ (42JJ) as part of a recent order, and an attempt to discover if any of the other EM models will work better for me. I went into the order fully disclosing my identity (after my most recent problems with delivery of an order). When I made note of who I was, EM offered to send me a replacement PL Gazeta which I will revisit in a later post. Anyways, I paid for this bra 🙂






Features: Half adjustable straps, four sets of 3 hooks-and-eyes, narrow wires, higher bridge for – as EM calls it – “difficult breasts” – sweet crystal on the gore, lightly padded construction. This does NOT have inserts for asymmetry.

Fit: This is probably the best fit I have ever had in an EM bra; honestly. The wires are a tad narrow and low for me, BUT because the cups are deeper and the gore/bridge is higher, I am more covered and locked in. I have worn this bra to work (WHAT?!) and have not had to adjust at all throughout an 8 hour day of teaching/sitting/wrestling children. I would say that the band is big, but I need to take that with a grain of salt. I haven’t taken my measurements lately, but I have lost 16 pounds and have been working out quite regularly, thus changing the fit of a lot of my bras. Anyways, I’ve found that I can already wear this on the tightest hooks and HAVE to in order to keep the wires in place on my body. I will have to alter this and/or order a smaller size at some point. I would say that the band is comparable to the PL Charlie – which is slightly stretchy.

Support and Shape: The support is great; the wires are comfy once in place, and as with all EM bras, the support and shape can’t be beat. I find that I prefer the shape of the S bras to the PL just as a personal preference. It feels more lifted, with a higher apex than the PLs.

Look and Feel: I love this bra for its simple beauty. The accent on the gore is just enough to make it special, and the lace is nice too. It’s a nice basic bra that is super comfy.

Other Thoughts: This is the first time I have had problems with strap placement on an EM bra. I think a large part of this has to do with the band being too big for me. Sometimes when I wear this, the straps will flip because they are so close to my inner arm. Other than that, I don’t have any issues with this bra.

Overall Grade: A+ This is easily my most favorite, most wearable EM bra.

Other Reviews:

Izzy at Voluptuously Thin
Caroline at Curvy Wordy


2 thoughts on “Plus Size Bra Review: ‘S Porcelanka’ by Ewa Michalak

  1. Pingback: S Porcalanka review: 65F | Fussy Busty

  2. Was 95JJ the size Ewa’s calculator gave you? I’m wanting to place an order but unsure of how accurate the calculator is.

Tell us what you think!